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ClienteSports.chYear2022ServicesFILMED, DIRECTED, EDITCategoryEVENTSShare

In 2022, we had the exciting opportunity to accompany the team at HeroFest. Our team was tasked with filming the entire event, capturing the gaming atmosphere, and interviewing the participants.

As we walked through the different booths, which showcased delicious food, exciting gaming products, and awesome merchandise, we couldn’t help but feel the excitement in the air. We filmed live gaming events, where players battled it out in intense matches, and we captured some truly epic moments on camera.

To complement the footage from the event, we had previously filmed an intro in our Zurich studio. We combined this footage with our footage from HeroFest to create a compelling video that truly captured the essence of the event.

We worked hard to edit the video, adding in funny scenes and carefully selecting the best footage to tell the story of the event. We were proud of the final product, which showcased the hard work of the team and the passion of the gamers who participated in the event.

The video was made available to fans of, who were able to relive the excitement of HeroFest 2022 and experience the event from the comfort of their own homes.